Tuesday, April 26, 2016


How to Access Blocked Site – Using your computers’ Calculator!

1.      Open CMD by typing CTRL+R on your keyboard and then typing in cmd.

2.      Once the command prompt is open, type in “ping youtube.com” or any website you try to access without quotes.

3.      After doing so, you should see an IP address as shown below,

IP address of Youtube.com =

4.      To start with, open your PC's calculator. When the calculator is opened, go to its menu bar & click on the "View" option, then select Programmer (shortcut-Alt+3) & Basic (shortcut-Ctrl+F4). Make sure ‘Dec’ is selected.

5.      Now try to enter the first number of the I.P. address you got and after putting in, select ‘Bin’. This would give you 8 digit binary value of 174 = 10101110.

6.      Convert now each of the I.P. numbers (173,194,39 and 37) into an 8-digit binary value.

7.      You should then get the equivalents as shown below.
174 = 10101110
194 = 11000010
39 = 100111
37 = 100101
8.      Reassembled the values into an IP address order, you get 10101110.11000010.100111.100101

9.      Remove the dots so you’ll get a line of binary which is 1010111011000010100111100101

10.  Copy this binary string. For the succeeding steps.

11.  After copying, Convert 1010111011000010100111100101 into a decimal value by selecting “Bin” on the calculator and typing in  1010111011000010100111100101 ( or copy-paste by right clicking on the calculator display screen and clicking in paste), then after that, click on the "Dec" button on your calculator, and you will get the converted value of 183249381.

12.  Add the hypertext protocol prefix (http://) on the beginning and paste into your browser's address bar:

13.  Go to your browser and in the address bar type http://183249381, this should open http://Youtube.com.

Monday, October 26, 2015


Using vpn for censored websites and blocked websites

       First I had made a post on how to access blocked websites using proxy links, but what if this link or websites are not working or your ISP had blocked them?

Another option we are to consider is using vpn.

     Vpn, like proxy links are the same in nature, they both encrypt your request, they make it like you are not the one processing the request (anonymity) and they both perform your request on a proxy.
Getting straight to the point, if you for example, is an addict user of Facebook and want to access it but your school or ISP blocked Facebook just like on the image below.

Then you might as well consider this tutorial on how you can bypass that restriction and gain access to Facebook.

You might as well view the video tutorial here>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIxufRsTKvQ

Lets begin….(just follow the steps)

  1.   Download the file "HERE" (ULTRASURF VPN)

       -your antivirus might detect it as malware or virus so just ignore that. If you are afraid of virus then you might as well consider quitting this tutorial.         

2.  Run the file as administrator. 
      Then you shall be viewing something like the image below(a yellow lock and the ultrasurf window). Now click any of the boxes under preffered. Wait until the bars under speed will be filled. Also if you see beside the status it says, contacting server… well, don’t worry just wait until it connects. Sometimes it take a minute before you are connected. That just depend on your internet speed.

Now their is a question that says,
What if your network isp is using a proxy?

If you cannot connect because your isp is using a proxy then you need to configure ultrasurf.
How? Follow this steps

1.       Know the proxy your isp is using then put the proxy link on the ultrasurf by first clicking [option>>proxy setting>>manual setting].

If you see the image it has three choices; 

1.       the auto-detect proxy which you may click for you not to be manually putting the proxy or if you don’t know it.

2.       the manual proxy setting, which is your choice if you know the proxy your network isp is using. Usually the proxy would have a domain with proxy at the beginning.

3.       Directly use ultrasurf - this is the default choice, this is when your network is not using a proxy.

*if the ultrasurf is connected it will open the internet explorer and the homepage of ultrasulrf and that’s where you are going to surf, if you don’t want the performance of internet explorer (usually internet explorer is slow) and want to use google chrome because it is fast then try opening the google chrome, THOUGH THIS TRICK DOESN'T WORK WITH FIREFOX EXPLORER!  so don't panic if it wont work with firefox.




Monday, March 2, 2015

    For easy access of information, many schools have their own Wi-Fi or internet connections. This accessibility on the World Wide Web however is intended for educational purposes only thus they might have blocked some content or websites which are thought to be unrelated to educational researches.

    Example is the university I am enrolled in, they had blocked social media sites, multimedia and even limited the download.
    Well, having limited access on the net because of end user policies annoys me. Really! I am annoyed for as if I have no freedom to access the world behind.

      Thank God there are some solutions to our problems. Blocked sites by our schools internet provider can now be accessed without having to hack or install some software on the computer just to bypass blocked websites.

     In tutorial I am going to show some simple steps on how to bypass blocked content. As you can see Facebook is blocked by our administrator.

     To bypass this all you need is just a proxy site. Just type for proxy sites or servers on Google’s search engine and try what you have searched. Some proxy sites might have been blocked so try all what you can find until you came up to one which is not blocked by your schools internet provider.

    here is a site where you can find some cool proxy sites.(fatbrownguy works better) https://sites.google.com/site/theschoolpasserby/proxies

     In this example ounblock.com is not blocked so this might work. Now open it and enter the website you wish to visit. just a little advice: PLEASE SEE TO IT THAT YOU ADD WWW. ON THE BEGINNING OF THE SITE YOU WISH TO GO. :D

*proxy servers act as a hiding your identity thus when your data reach the server it will think it is from another identity*

     Now we can see that we already can access the webpage we are aiming for. JUST BE CAREFULL NOT TO BE CAUGHT.

log in and connect with other people out there... :D